Certified for design in harmony with nature
We have, for years, been following a policy of environmental sustainability which has lead us to collaborate with organisations and companies specialised in international certification, and we have been rewarded with important recognitions and awards.
The Oltremateria ® flooring system has been subjected to I.T.T (Initial test time) and is compliant with the standard UNI EN 13813 (combined in definition terms with UNI EN 13318 2.13 : Flooring, the topmost layer of a floor, used as a layer for wear and finish). For wall coverings, this refers to the standard UNI EN 15824.
The Oltremateria ® system complies with regulation no. 305/2011 of the European Parliament, which establishes harmonised conditions for the trade in products for the construction sector.
Oltremateria ® complies with the regulations applicable to VOC in Class (A+) emissions.
All the noble polymers we use are listed as eco-compatible by EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances) according to the EEC/92/32 Directive, are compliant with European Directive 2004/42/EC relating to VOCs (Volatile Organic Components), and conform to the community directive CEE/89/106/IAQ (regarding air quality in internal environments).
Oltremateria ® does not cause toxic gases for the environment and the subsoil, does not create pulverulent micro-particles, has zero levels of radiation, releases and creates no moisture, is formulated in compliance with regulations regarding safety at work, is completely free of water-based bonds (CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER), and completely free from epoxy RESINS. The flooring system is certified fire-resistant.
All of our products carry the CE logo and, although not required by law, are c/o I.S.S. coded. We are always attentive of the dynamics and the development of technology in the field of eco-sustainability, and of the centrality of humanity and its environment. All our declarations are confirmed by all of the analyses and technical trials carried out exclusively by specialised laboratories and recognised on an international level.

For every project completed, OLTREMATERIA ® issues a CERTIFICATE OF PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY which certifies the possession of a unique, original, artistic artisan work.
All of the OLTREMATERIA ® materials and systems are produced in laboratories which have received ISO 9001 certification and CE branding.
The quality control system aims to follow the entire internal process from research to production and packaging of the final products. Our objective is that of high specialisation and continuous scientific evolution towards the most advanced forms of technical and commercial approach to applied chemistry and sustainable construction. ECOMAT S.r.l., with the OLTREMATERIA ® brand, aspires to objectives of qualitative growth aimed at the improvement of distribution, production and managerial processes.
We hereby declare that with regards to relationships of study, design and production which exist between our production laboratories and ECOMAT S.r.l., every product or system handled by us or for us respects all of the requirements of the Certifying Body.
The OLTREMATERIA ® system, with regards the activity of the production laboratories, is produced in full respect of the requirements of the Certifying body and regulations.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.

The CE brand is a duty and obligation for producers/importers, it can be neither bought nor sold. An important role is played by the notified bodies of the member States which take part in the evaluation procedure for the conformity of any company either within or external to Europe.
EC 13813 standard for flooring
EC 15824 standard for wall coverings

The “Japan Building Coating Materials Association” has certified that Ecomalta ® /Oleomalta ® Oltremateria ® have extremely low emissions of harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and do not emit Formaldehyde, and have therefore obtained F**** (Four star) rating, the maximum possible.

With ECOPUR , the Oltremateria system has obtained active anti-bacterial certification from the CSA – Accredia accreditation institute no. 0181 . Analyses were carried out in accordance with ISO 22196:2001 regulation on “Measurement of antibacterial activity of plastics and other non-porous surfaces”

With ECOPUR, the Oltremateria system purifies the air under any conditions of light or darkness 24 hours a day forever; it has therefore obtained environmental ionisation certification with a value of 2000 ions/cm 3 . The certification was issued by NCT- New Chemical Tecnology laboratories .

Oltremateria ® complies with the rules relating to VOC in Class (A+).

The OLTREMATERIA ® system contributes to increased ratings in LEED certification.
What is LEED ® ?: it is the most widespread standard of certification for energy and sustainability in the world, a group of criteria developed in the United States and applied in over 60 world countries for the design, construction and management of buildings which are sustainable from an environmental, social, economic and health point of view. An important standard which is voluntary, open, transparent, in continuous evolution, supported by a vast technical-scientific community and widely recognised by the market. In Italy, LEED ® is developed and promoted by GBC Italia, of which OLTREMATERIA ® is supporting partner and promoter.

For ADI, design is culturally aware, the interface between the individual and collective demands of society, and supply from producers.
It intervenes in the design of products, services, visual communication, packaging, interior design and environmental design.

ISO 9001 Certification.
ECOMAT S.r.l., owner of the OLTREMATERIA ® brand, considers it fundamental to select laboratories with which to work on the basis of standards of guarantee and traceability of its products in order to optimise service. Quality control for the OLTREMATERIA ® system is aimed at following the entire internal process from research to production and packaging of the final products.
Our objective is that of high specialisation and continuous scientific evolution towards the most advanced forms of technical and commercial approach to applied chemistry and sustainable construction.

What is the (simplified) LCA analysis obtained by OLTREMATERIA®?
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the analysis of the environmental impact and the costs linked to a product system throughout all of the phases of its life cycle, from the selection of materials to final disposal. It is carried out through an inventory of the flow of materials, resources, energy and emissions exiting and entering the product system.
The entire procedure is defined and certified by UNI EN ISO 14040 and 14040X international regulations.

The OLTREMATERIA ® system is internationally guaranteed with a product liability insurance policy.

Certificate of Thermal Conductivity:
this provides for the improved and heterogeneous transmission and distribution of heat for underfloor heating systems.

is a system certified fire-resistant in class
in accordance to the harmonised standard EN 13813

Non-slip certificate, Dynamic friction coefficient:
0.071 for rubber soles – 0.52 for leather soles EN ISO TC/189 standard.

Resistance to lactic acid:
tests were carried out according to the provisions of UNI EN ISO regulation.

It respects the provisions of the UNI 11021:2002 regulation of 01/12/2002 “paints and varnishes – products and systems for the painting of areas with the presence of food requirements and test methods”, HACCP Law Decree 155 of 13/06/1997 and successive modifications and updates.
Our material is suitable for contact with food!

(The most important certification in the field of ecology and environmental sustainability on an international level).
We are currently awaiting ECOLABEL certification.

selected and chosen by Matrec EcoMaterials
Library for its environmental characteristics. MATREC is the first EcoMaterials Library dedicated to environmentally sustainable materials and their use in industrial production, architecture and design.

website adheres to Zero Impact Web
, Life Gate’s new project, which was created with the objective of reducing and compensating the emissions of carbon dioxide deriving from the use of the internet.
by ECOMAT S.r.l. supports Impatto Zero
(Zero Impact): the first Italian project which in 2002 formalised the aims of the Kyoto Protocol, assisting people and companies in a process of reduction and compensation of their CO
emissions, thus contributing to the creation and safeguarding of growing forests in Italy and throughout the world.